Operations and Safety Policies
Campus Safety Department of the Claremont Colleges
The function of The Claremont Colleges Department of Campus Safety is to protect life and property, to help maintain an environment conducive to the academic endeavors of the Colleges, to enforce vehicle and parking regulations and to perform other related duties. The Campus Safety Office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each weekday.
Safety personnel are on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to handle calls for service:
Off-campus: 621‑8170 and 607-2677.
For emergencies call 607-2000.
On-campus: extensions 18170 and 72677.
For emergencies call extension 72000.
Last updated: 6/1/12
Claremont Colleges Policy on Demonstrations
The undergraduate Claremont Colleges, Pomona College, Scripps College, Claremont McKenna College, Harvey Mudd College, Pitzer College together with Claremont Graduate University, Keck Graduate Institute and the Claremont University Consortium (CUC) are all member institutions of the “Claremont Colleges.” Each of these member institutions respects the rights of free speech and peaceable assembly and supports their exercise. However, when the exercise of speech and assembly becomes disruptive or non-peaceable, and infringes upon the rights of others, threatens property or public safety, or impedes the business of the member Colleges or CUC, the individual Colleges and CUC will act according to this policy.
Every institution in the consortium has instituted procedures for presenting and peaceably resolving disagreements about policies. Officials at the individual Claremont Colleges and CUC are willing to examine, discuss, and explain institutional policies to any member of the Claremont Colleges community. However, participation in a demonstration that is materially disruptive and non-peaceful or involves the substantial disorder or invasion of the rights of others on the property of any of the Claremont Colleges or of Claremont University Consortium or their affiliated institutions is prohibited.
Determination of when a demonstration or action is non-peaceful or disruptive may be difficult, but the Claremont Colleges individually and collectively subscribe to the general guidelines listed below.
Non-peaceful actions or demonstrations are those that endanger or injure, or threaten to endanger or injure, any person, or that damage or threaten to damage property.
Disruptive actions or demonstrations are those that restrict free movement on any of the campuses, or interfere with, or impede access to, regular activities or facilities of any of the Colleges or CUC.
If an officer or designee of an affected College or CUC informs individuals in a given area that their collective actions are judged non-peaceful or disruptive and that they should disperse, individuals remaining may be charged, on their home campus, with a violation of this policy.
Any individual acting in a non-peaceful or disruptive manner, whether he or she is acting individually or within a group, may be charged on the basis of the individual’s or group’s behavior with a violation of this policy. Ignorance of this policy or lack of intent to violate this policy is not an acceptable justification for violating it. Lack of intent or lack of awareness of the existence of College or Consortium policy will not excuse violations. Charges will be brought at the home college of the accused.
Any President on his or her home campus, or designee, or the Chief Executive Officer of CUC, or designee, on the property of CUC, is authorized to take action against any individual violating this policy. Actions may include arrest, or other legal action, or notice of disciplinary charges and handled through the home College’s disciplinary procedures. The Presidents and the Chief Executive Officer of CUC may delegate their authority to act.
In the event of a non-peaceful or disruptive action on the property of any of the Claremont Colleges, CUC, or any of their affiliated offices or programs, the affected College or Colleges or Claremont University Consortium will act according to the following procedures:
- The President(s) of the College(s) where activities are disrupted or the Chief Executive Officer of CUC, in the case of the property of CUC, will determine whether or not negotiation will take place with those involved in the demonstration or disruption. S/he will also determine the actions to be taken including, but not limited to, provisional or summary suspension or arrest. The president of the college may summarily suspend a student of his/her college violating this policy. However, the president of the college or the CEO of CUC will only have the authority to provisionally suspend a student representing one of the other Claremont Colleges—pending referral to the home campus disciplinary body.
- The Colleges and CUC agree that cases of student disruption or non-peaceful action normally will be treated as a violation of the student’s home campus conduct code and will be adjudi-cated by the normal disciplinary process at the student’s home college. Appropriate Officials at the affected institution(s) may put disruptive or non-peaceful individuals on notice that they are in violation of this policy and file charges against them. Officials at the home campus agree to acknowledge requests for disciplinary action—including requests for suspension—and take action that is consistent with and/or allowed by disciplinary procedures at the home campus.
- Officials at the other campuses will promptly provide assistance in identifying disruptive or non-peaceful individuals to the campus where the disruption occurs or to CUC.
- All individuals who are engaged in disruptive or non-peaceful action will be notified that they are trespassing.
- Persons who continue to trespass after notification are subject to arrest (by a Peace Officer or by Private Person. (California Penal Code Section 834).
- Individual Claremont Colleges and CUC may bill students or file civil suits to recover damages and costs.
- While officials at affected colleges or CUC may temporarily revoke any or all student privileges or take steps to end disruptive or non-peaceful protests, the college at which the student is enrolled, and only that college, may adjudicate complaints and make final decisions about alleged violations of conduct, apart from those decisions made by a court of law.
Download Claremont Colleges Policy on Demonstration (PDF)
Approved by the Council of The Claremont Colleges, November 7, 2001.
This policy is not to be amended or changed without approval of the Council.
Dress and Grooming Standards
It is important to the College that staff members project a professional attitude and appearance. Accordingly, your dress and demeanor should reflect the College’s professional standards and expectations. Employees are expected to wear attire appropriate to the office or department in which they work. In some cases, uniforms may be required. If you have questions regarding appropriate attire, please talk to your immediate supervisor or a Pitzer Human Resources Office staff member.
Last updated: 6/1/12
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
View [PDF] the latest version of the policy.
Injury and Illness Prevention Program
The College develops and maintains a comprehensive safety program through the Campus Facilities department. The program covers mandated requirements by CAL/OSHA for ergonomic standards, a hazardous communication program, and managing workplace confrontations.
Last updated: 6/1/12
Safety and Emergency Management
The College endeavors to make the campus a safe place to work. The College complies with all applicable federal and state safety regulations. It is your responsibility to observe safety requirements, and use safety equipment as instructed. Each employee is expected to: (1) obey safety and health rules, (2) follow established safe and healthy work practices, (3) exercise caution in all work activities, (4) correct or promptly report unsafe and unhealthy acts and conditions in the workplace, and (5) participate in safety training programs. If you observe unsafe actions or conditions, you should report them immediately to your supervisor or to the Pitzer Human Resources Office. The Pitzer Safety Committee meets at regular intervals concerning Pitzer College safety issues and is comprised of staff, faculty and student members.
In Case of Accident
If you receive an injury on the job, no matter how slight, you must report it immediately to your supervisor, to the Pitzer Human Resources Office, or to the CUC WOrkers’ Compensation Office at (909) 621-8847 (ext. 18847) as soon as possible. Treatment, if required, will be provided in accordance with the law.
In case of a general emergency on campus, contact Campus Safety at extension 72000 (909-607-2000). To report an event, incident or activity you believe poses a threat to the safety or well-being of persons or property at Pitzer, please call campus safety; calls will remain as confidential as possible. Imminent threats should be immediately reported to Campus Safety at extension 72000.
Last updated: 6/1/12
Safety Rules and Procedures
Phone Numbers for Safety Procedures
Campus Safety: (909) 607-2000 or extension 72000
Facilities Office: (909) 607-2226 or extension 72226
Human Resources: (909) 621-8254 or extension 18254
- Report All Workplace Accidents and Emergencies
Immediately notify your supervisor or Human Resources (HR) in the event of an on-the-job accident, injury or illness; even if you do not want medical attention. Report forms must be completed by the employee and supervisor to document the accident, injury or illness within 48 hours of the incident. If you need non-emergency medical attention, you will be directed to HR and for an authorization to visit the workers’ compensation clinic. If you witness a serious or life-threatening injury or emergency call Campus Safety at 72000 (909) 607-2000.
- Report Unsafe Conditions
If you see unsafe conditions on campus, particularly in your work area, please place a Work Order with Facilities at xrhl.lsxythnjy.com/offices/facilities/workrequests or extension 72226. Examples: frayed cords, loose bookshelves and buckled flooring.
- Emergency Evacuation Plan (Refer to the flyer in your department or online for full instructions).
Learn the location of all exits near your work area. During a fire alarm or other emergency situation, exit to your INITIAL evacuation site listed below. Upon the direction of a college staff member, you may be directed to proceed to the FINAL evacuation site: the Commencement Plaza.
Work Site Building | Initial Evacuation Site | Final Evacuation Site
Atherton, E. Sanborn, Gold, Pitzer, N. Sanborn | East Mesa Parking Lot | Commencement Plaza
Avery, Bernard, Broad Center, Broad Hall | Commencement Plaza | Commencement Plaza
Fletcher, Grove House, Keck Science, Scott | Commencement Plaza | Commencement Plaza
McConnell, Mead | Commencement Plaza | Commencement Plaza
West Hall, East Hall | North Fire Road | Commencement Plaza
Do not leave evacuation sites until directed to do so by a staff member in charge. Check-in with an HR staff member to be marked as “present” to assist Search and Rescue efforts. Some emergency supplies will be available onsite; however, we highly encourage everyone to keep supplies in their car and/or workstation (e.g., prescription medicine, comfortable shoes, hand-crank powered radio/flashlight, non-perishable food, extra water, etc.).
For your safety and that of others, thoroughly review the Evacuation Map and Emergency Procedures flyer outlining the following topics: earthquake, fire, bomb threat, lockdown, medical and media.
- Fire Alarms and Exits
Please identify the nearest fire alarms and exits for your work area. In the event of a fire, pull the nearest fire alarm and immediately exit the building through a clear exit. For your safety and that of others, do NOT use available fire extinguishers unless you have received hands-on training within the last 12 months.
- Employee Responsibility to Work Safely
Pitzer College is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment. It is every employee’s responsibility to: perform work in a safe and proper manner; comply with all safety guidelines and requirements; report all work-related accidents/illnesses to Human Resources; wear protective equipment if required by the work; and practice prudent avoidance. Do not perform tasks unless you are adequately trained. If your presence is not required, remove yourself from areas when dangerous tasks are performed or if hazardous substances are present.
- Spills and Hazardous Materials
It’s important to clean up spills and remove hazards from our campus. Whether you cause it or find it, please report it to the Facilities Office to have a spill or hazardous material removed immediately. Do not touch! The Facilities Office has staff trained to remove spills and hazardous materials (including blood). If your position requires first aid response or facilities cleaning, you will receive special training on Blood-borne Pathogens.
If you come into contact with blood during the course of your work you may receive the Hepatitis B vaccine at no cost to you. You MUST report such an incident to Human Resources. If you wish to receive the vaccine, it must be within 24 HOURS of exposure! Call Human Resources to be referred to the clinic; after-hours and on weekends call Campus Safety at extension 72000.
- Hazard Communication Program
Material Data Sheets (MDSs) are supplied by vendors for products we use. As part of our Hazard Communication Program, all MDSs are maintained by the Facilities Office. You have a right to access any medical records, MDSs and monitoring records pertaining to your position. To access these records or receive a copy of Safety Order 3204 which explains these rights, please contact the Facilities Office at extension 72226.
- Special Hazards of Your Position | Ask your supervisor if there are any special hazards to your position.
Facilities, Custodial, Grounds, and Maintenance staff must follow all established safe work practices concerning lifting, use of chemicals, hazardous spills and blood borne pathogens, as well as general safety information. Uniforms and protective equipment are provided and should be worn whenever appropriate.
Dining Services staff must follow all established safe work procedures for lifting, hazardous spills, blood-borne pathogens, slicing machines, cutting boards, food preparation utensils, power mixing or blending equipment, and the buddy system to access walk-in refrigerators and freezers. Staff must remain aware at all times of hot substances/surface hazards, wet floor conditions and correct grounding and use of electrically powered equipment in wet and food preparation areas. Note: employees are not permitted to use motorized equipment or hot oil without specific training and authorization from their supervisor.
Faculty members must be aware of all applicable classroom and laboratory safety practices, and must train students on relevant safety practices, as well as evacuation plans.
Employees with heavy use of computer or other equipment, or work involving any repetitive movements, see item #9 “Ergonomics.”
- Ergonomics
If you work for long periods of time using a computer, other office equipment or perform repetitive motion work, be sure to change your position at least once every half hour to avoid strain and injuries. Workstation evaluations are requested by HR for all new faculty and staff near the time of hire. Chair or monitor adjustments, ergonomic computer accessories and/or wrist support pads may be recommended and provided. Contact HR if you would like to request an evaluation.
- Proper Lifting Procedures
Contact Facilities for help moving heavy or large items. If your position requires regular lifting, your supervisor will provide training in proper lifting. If you believe it is safe to lift or move something yourself, be cautious; use leg muscles rather than back muscles, inspect for sharp edges and be aware of your surroundings.
- Enforcement of Pitzer’s Safety Program
Pitzer’s safety program requires adherence to safe work practices by all employees. Employees who do not follow safe work practices may receive disciplinary warnings, and for serious infractions may be terminated from their position.
- Safety Committee
A committee comprised of staff, faculty, students meets every semester to discuss safety issues for the campus. Questions and suggestions may be directed to the Facilities Office.
Last Updated 7/10/18
Emergency Management
The Pitzer Emergency Preparedness Committee is comprised of faculty, staff and students. It was chartered to prepare the College for responding to, and recovering from, campus emergencies or crises.
The Emergency Preparedness Committee has developed, and is continually revising, a plan to ensure an orderly response and recovery from emergencies or crises–large or small–affecting the campus. A multi-color emergency response brochure is given to individual offices for posting.
The brochure includes the locations of evacuation assembly sites. When an evacuation is called for, you should go to the site nearest your location at the time of the evacuation.
Once at the assembly site, you are to wait there until dismissed by a representative from the emergency team. This will help the team to:
- disseminate information and instructions about the emergency/crisis,
- quickly determine who, if anyone, is missing and begin focused search and rescue activities, if necessary,
- determine the safe condition of buildings before allowing people to return to them.
From time to time, the emergency team sends memos regarding plan changes, for your safety and that of others, please make note of such memos. In addition, you will find emergency procedures information in your faculty and staff telephone directory.
If you have training or skills (such as first aid, CPR, search and rescue) which could be useful in responding to an emergency, please let your supervisor know.
Last updated: 6/1/12
Parking Regulations at the Claremont Colleges
The Claremont Colleges extend the privilege of operating motor vehicles on the campus to all duly registered students and to employees and visitors.
Campus Safety is charged with vehicle registration and parking enforcement duties. There is no ticket/citation quota system here at The Claremont Colleges. All parking permit fees and citation fines that are collected become revenue for the students’ or employees’ campus.
All motor driven conveyances, whether automobiles, motorcycles, motor scooters, or motor bikes, regardless of size, shape or number of wheels, are defined in these regulations as vehicles. All privately-owned vehicles (as opposed to College-owned vehicles) while in operation or parked within the confines of The Claremont Colleges are restricted to the use of regularly designated streets and parking lots.
The Colleges, the Director of Campus Safety, or the Traffic Appeals Committee of The Colleges, may withdraw motor vehicle privileges from any College employee or student at any time for cause.
All vehicles parked on Claremont Colleges’ property must display a valid parking permit or authorized guest parking permit. All vehicles not displaying a valid parking permit are subject to being cited and/or towed.
All vehicles must be registered with the Department of Campus Safety within three (3) days of being on Claremont Colleges Property.
Temporary parking permits are available at the Department of Campus Safety.
The Department of Campus Safety offers safety escorts from parking lots and buildings. If you desire an escort, please contact Campus Safety at extension 72000 or (909)621-8170.
Student parking permits are valid only on the campus for which they have been issued
Required Maintenance of Financial Responsibility (CVC Section 16020a)
“Every driver and every owner of a motor vehicle shall at all times be able to establish financial responsibility specified in CVC Section 16021, and shall at all times carry in the vehicle evidence of the form of financial responsibility in effect for the vehicle.”
The Department of Campus Safety can require everyone registering a vehicle to present evidence that the vehicle is covered by liability and property damage insurance. The minimum amounts of insurance required by California law (CVC Section 16056a) is $15,000 public liability, $30,000 bodily injury, and $5,000 property damage.
- The person in whose name a vehicle is registered on campus shall at all times be responsible for any citation fines and penalties and any liability or damage claims arising in connection with the possession or operation of the motor vehicle on campus.
- For vehicles not registered at The Claremont Colleges but located on campus, either with or without permission, the primary driver of the vehicle while on campus and/or the registered owner as listed by the State Department of Motor Vehicles, shall be responsible for all fines and penalties incurred and/or any liability or damage claims arising in connection with the possession or operation of the vehicle on campus.
- The Claremont Colleges assume no legal responsibility for the care or protection of any vehicle or its contents at any time including the time it is in any parking area or the time during which it has been impounded.
Registration Procedures and Requirements
- Student Vehicle Registration fees for each semester are as follows:
- CMC $50.00 on/off campus ($100 per academic year)
- HMC $20.00 on campus ($40 per academic year) $10.00 off campus ($20 per academic year)
- PTZ $30.00 on campus ($60 per academic year) $15.00 off campus ($30 per academic year)
- POM $60.00 on/off campus ($120 per academic year)
- SCR $50.00 on/off campus ($100 per academic year)
- CGU $0
- KGI $0
Vehicle registration fees/Parking Permit fees will be billed to the student’s account. Vehicle registration fees are paid to the student’s or employee’s college, not the Department of Campus Safety.
No rebate of fees will be made.
- Vehicle registration is mandatory for all employees, faculty and staff who drive or bring motor vehicles onto
Claremont Colleges’ property. Registration fees and methods of payment for employees, if applicable, are established by their respective campus of employment.
- Failure to register your vehicle incurs a fine of $50 in addition to the registration fee; plus $50 for each additional failure to register citation.
- Any change of license number and/or vehicle shall be reported within three (3) working days to the Department of Campus Safety. Registration of a vehicle which substitutes for one currently registered will be free of charge.
- Only one vehicle per student or employee is permitted on campus at a time.
- The parking permit issued to a vehicle is valid only for that particular vehicle. Permits are not transferable to another vehicle or person.
Display of Parking Permit
- Every registered vehicle, whenever on campus, shall have a parking permit displayed inside on the lower, right-hand corner of the front windshield or on an alternative location approved by the Director of Campus Safety.
- Motorcycles and Mopeds shall have parking permits displayed on the rear fender, or if this is not possible, on the left side of the gas tank.
- Deviation(s) from these requirements may be authorized by the Director of Campus Safety.
Operation and Parking of Motor Vehicles
- A vehicle shall be parked within a designated parking stall as painted on the street and in parking lots.
Motorcycles (except those operated by Campus Safety and emergency vehicles on official business) are prohibited on the interior of campus, i.e., those areas not designated for vehicular traffic. Parking for motorcycles is restricted to designated parking areas.
- All state and local traffic laws are in force at all times on the campus.
- The speed limit on campus streets is 25 miles per hour unless otherwise posted. The speed limit in parking lots is 10 miles per hour. Regardless of posted speed limits, a vehicle operator shall not drive at speeds that are excessive or imprudent for existing road, weather, or traffic conditions.
- Pedestrians have the right of way.
- All traffic accidents shall be reported as quickly as possible to the Department of Campus Safety.
Driving Offenses Involving Alcohol or Drugs
CVC section 23152a states “It is unlawful for any person who is under the influence of an alcoholic beverage or any drug or under the combined influence of an alcoholic beverage and any drug to drive a vehicle.” This law is applicable on private and public property. Violation of this law is a major hazard to the safety of the college community and will be treated as such. Persons suspected of driving while under the influence, if encountered by Campus Safety personnel, can be turned over to the police for appropriate roadside test and/or arrest.
Parking Areas and Zones
- Parking lots, parking areas, and designated reserved parking stalls are clearly posted by signs at the entrance or plainly visible near the area. Please observe and comply with these restrictions.
- Overnight parking from 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. is permitted on college owned streets for vehicles registered with
Campus Safety. Claremont Police Department will ticket overnight parking violators parked on posted city streets from 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.
The following are city streets:
- Claremont Blvd
- First Street
- Sixth Street
- 100 Block of East Seventh Street
- College Avenue
- All streets west of College Avenue, except the Harrison Lot (between College Ave and Harvard)
- Mills Avenue between Sixth and First Street
- Dartmouth Avenue from Tenth Street to Foothill Blvd
- Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Streets west of Dartmouth Avenue
- Foothill Blvd
STUDENTS, FACULTY, AND STAFF ARE NOT VISITORS and will be cited for parking in stalls reserved for visitors. Visitors staying overnight must obtain a temporary permit from the Department of Campus Safety.
- No person shall drive any motorized vehicle, nor shall any person stop, park or leave standing any vehicle, whether attended or unattended, upon the lawn, quad, or areas of any campus not regularly designated as a street or parking lot, except emergency vehicles on official business, and, as may be necessary to carry out maintenance work on such lawn, quad and/or other non-designated areas for driving or parking.
- Curbs painted blue designate parking for handicapped persons only. (Handicap placard or permit must be displayed).
- Curbs painted yellow designate loading zones. Vehicles shall not be parked in a yellow loading zone for longer than 20 minutes while loading or unloading, or longer than the time limit painted on the curb.
- Certain designated parking spaces are reserved for staff or college owned vehicles. Only these vehicles shall be parked in designated reserved spaces. Persons authorized to park their cars in Reserved Parking Spaces shall not delegate this authorization to anyone else.
- Students shall not park in lots designated by posted signs as reserved for registered faculty/staff or visitor parking between 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Students may park in these lots at other times.
- Parking is prohibited as follows:
- No parking, stopping, or standing is permitted in red areas except for authorized emergency vehicles or those of the U.S. Postal Service.
- There shall be no parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant.
- There shall be no parking in a designated fire lane.
- Curbs painted green designate temporary parking. Vehicles shall not park in a green zone for longer than 30 minutes or longer than the time limit painted on the curb.
- Parking is prohibited in loading dock areas.
- Faculty and staff from any of the seven colleges and the Claremont University Consortium who have and display a current parking permit may legally park in faculty/staff lots on any campus, unless the lot is designated for the colleges’ faculty/staff only.
- Citation fines and penalties will be billed to the student’s account immediately. All persons receiving citations have the right to file a written appeal (with the Traffic Appeals Committee) at Campus Safety within ten (10) days of the date the citation was issued. If the appeal is approved, the account will be credited accordingly. Information regarding employees (faculty and staff) who receive citations may be reported to the appropriate college officer or official where the person is employed for disposition. Citation fines and penalties are paid to the college or CUC, and is not revenue for the Department of Campus Safety.
Parking violations for the following will incur fines as follows
- FAILURE TO REGISTER (plus $50 each additional citation) $50
- Failure to Properly Display Permit on Rear View Mirror $10
- Parked in Wrong Lot $20
- Parked in Reserved/No Parking Zone $20
- Area Not Designated For Parking $20
- Moving Violation ( ) $50
- Driving/parking on lawn or quad $50
- Parked in Restricted Area $20
- Theft and/or vandalism of traffic/parking signs is a crime. Criminal charges and/other actions to recover replacement cost may be filed against those responsible.
- Failure to stop for a Campus Safety Officer shall be classified as a moving violation.
- Persons with an excessive number of violations/citations will, on determination of the Director of Campus Safety, lose their motor vehicle privileges for The Claremont Colleges. The Director will issue a written warning of his/her intention to withdraw privileges and will give written notice of such revocation when it occurs.
Parking and failure to register citations are ordinarily attached to the vehicle. Citations can be issued for driving/moving offenses.
NOTE: Claremont Police are authorized to write citations and tow vehicles from campus that are in violation of state and local traffic laws, especially fire zone and handicap parking violations.
Removal of Vehicles
The Director of Campus Safety may cause the removal of a vehicle when a vehicle has received three (3) or more citations per semester. The Director of Campus Safety may cause the removal of any vehicle abandoned on campus or left on the property of The Claremont Colleges when the academic year ends, or upon revocation of privileges, or when a vehicle is found blocking a fire lane or loading dock, or creating a hazard to people or traffic. The cost of such removal and/or storage will be charged to the person in whose name the vehicle is registered.
Enforcement of these regulations is the responsibility of the Director of Campus Safety, who shall assess penalties as described in Section IX. Cases not specifically covered by the regulations shall be reported to the appropriate officer of the college where the offender is enrolled or employed.
Citations and withdrawal of privileges may be appealed by the submission of facts and/or matters of extenuation and/or mitigation to the Traffic Appeals Committee in care of the Director of Campus Safety. You may appear before the Appeals Committee in person, if you wish, in addition to your written appeal. Indicate your desire to appear on the appropriate line of the Traffic Citation Appeal Form. If you choose not to appear, the Committee will review and rule on the citation based upon the written appeal and the Claremont Colleges Parking and Traffic Regulations.
Decisions reached by the Traffic Committee are final and binding.
Traffic Committee
- Membership will include faculty, staff, and students. The Director of Campus Safety or his/her designated representative shall act as technical advisor to the Committee.
- The Traffic Committee will be composed of regular members selected for two or more year terms.
- The Committee will review appeals and rule on them. Decisions reached by the Traffic Committee will be final.
Persons appealing a citation will receive written notice of Committee decisions if they live on campus. Persons living off campus must provide a self addressed stamped envelope along with their appeal.
Bicycle Operation and Licensing
- Bicycles may not be ridden at night without a headlight on the front and a visible red reflector on the rear of the bicycle. In addition, bicycles must be equipped with brakes, handlebars, and a red reflector to the rear, a white or yellow reflector on each side to the rear of the center of the bicycle (as required by the California Vehicle Code section 21201). Citations will be issued for all violations.
- Bicycle riders must obey all traffic laws the same as operators of motor vehicles.
- For the convenience of the College community, the Department of Campus Safety issues state bicycle licenses. Licenses may also be obtained at Claremont City Hall.
Annual Review
The Director of Campus Safety shall initiate, in consultation with the Traffic Appeals Committee and with other appropriate standing committees and offices, an annual review of these regulations.
The Department of Campus Safety
The function of the Department of Campus Safety is to help protect life and property; to help maintain a desired academic environment on the campus; to enforce vehicle regulations; and, to perform other related duties. The Department is open 24 hours a day and is located at 251 East 11th Street. Telephone numbers are (909) 621-8170, or call campus extensions at 72000, 72667, or 18170. The department also maintains a Web site at www.cuc.claremont.edu/campus-safety/
Last update: 9/2009
Parking Permits
Free parking is available to employees of the College. Vehicle registration with Campus Safety is mandatory and should be done within three working days of the start of your employment during the academic year. Employees must renew their registration through the Office of Campus Safety. At the beginning of the fall semester, the Pitzer Human Resources Office arranges for Campus Safety officers to be on campus so employees may renew their registration as needed.
Vehicle registration can be done online by accessing Campus Safety’s website at www.services.claremont.edu/campus-safety; or by taking your campus identification, driver’s license and vehicle registration to the Campus Safety office.
When you register your vehicle with Campus Safety, you will be issued a parking sticker that entitles you to park in designated parking lots or spaces on the campuses. Employees retain full responsibility for their vehicles and for any liability or damage claims resulting from possession or operation of a motor vehicle on campus. Employees, who do not register with Campus Safety or park in unauthorized areas, may be issued a parking ticket.
Employees not in regular positions and guests to the College can receive a temporary parking permit from Pitzer Human Resources.
Last updated: 6/1/12
The College is committed to a philosophy of good health and safe work place. In keeping with this philosophy, it is important that the work place and office environment reflect the College’s concern for good health. Smoking is therefore not permitted inside College buildings or any work areas. Employees who wish to smoke must limit their smoking to break and meal periods.
Last updated: 6/1/12
The Claremont Colleges own a private telephone system. Campus telephone extensions for employees are provided in The Claremont Colleges Staff & Faculty Directory available online. Students’ telephone numbers are listed in a student roster issued by the Office of the Registrar. For information regarding on campus numbers that you cannot obtain from the phonen directory, dial extension 73344 on any campus telephone for the telephone operator of The Claremont Colleges. If you have technical problems with your campus telephone and need to request repairs or assistance, call the Pitzer Facilities office at extension 72226 from another campus telephone.
Your supervisor will inform you of the departmental policy regarding personal and long-distance telephone calls, but in general, personal telephone calls during work time are discouraged. They should be brief and limited to calls within the local area codes and be made during your meal period or break time. You should charge any calls placed outside the local area codes to your personal credit card or home telephone number.
Last updated: 9/25/15
Vehicles Owned by the College - Authorized Drivers
You must meet the following criteria to be authorized to drive vehicles that are owned or otherwise operated by the College:
- Current/valid U.S. driver’s license;
- No more than a total of three (3) moving violations and/or at-fault accidents in the last three (3) years;
- No citations for reckless driving or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs in the past three (3) years; and
- No drivers under 21 years of age with a combined total of more than two (2) moving violations or at-fault accidents in the past three (3) years.
You must also complete and submit a form that allows the College to review your driving record. If your record is acceptable as stated above, you will be placed on the Authorized Drivers List. Please see the Pitzer Human Resources Office to obtain a form.
Last updated: 6/1/12
It is the intent of the College to provide a safe and secure workplace for staff, faculty, students and visitors. The College has a “zero tolerance” for, and expressly forbids the possession of, while on College property, any type of weapon, firearm, explosive, and/or ammunition. For the purposes of this policy, College property includes but is not limited to, all College facilities, College-provided parking areas and vehicles and equipment that are either leased or owned by the College. In addition, the College strictly prohibits the carrying or possession of any weapon in a parking facility or parking area including in faculty, staff, and student-owned vehicles parked on College property.
The possession of firearms or other weapons on College property may be cause for discipline, including but not limited to, immediate termination of employment. In enforcing this policy, the College, reserves the right to request inspections of any employee and their personal effects while on College property, to the extent allowable under applicable law. Any employee who refuses to allow such an inspection will be subject to the same disciplinary action as having been found in possession of firearms or other weapons.
The staff within the College shares the responsibility of identifying violators of this policy. A staff member who either witnesses or suspects another individual of violating this policy should immediately report this information to Pitzer Human Resources Office.
Last updated: 6/1/12