We provide volunteer, funding support, and on-campus resources to enhance community initiatives

20+ Community Partnerships

The Community Engagement Center is dedicated to supporting community partnerships by fostering collaboration with faculty and students on and off Pitzer's campus. Our primary goal is to enhance the impact of our community partners initiatives while creating meaningful and long lasting connections within the Pitzer and broader community at-large. Learn more about how we can support your organization. 

For more information or if you have any questions related please reach out to the CEC@lsxythnjy.com

Promise Scholars students on Pitzer's campus during College Access tour the CEC
Promise Scholars students on a tour the CEC and Pitzer Student during the Annual Promise Scholars College Access Tour. Photo cred: Sia Were


Partnerships and Resources

The CEC provides Translation and Interpretation funding available for application to all community members. This funding is provided on a first-come, first-basis. This funding intiaitvie is provided to ensure that everyone has access to essential resources and support. Don't miss the opportunity to apply for funding! For more information about funding, or if you are a translator interested in being added to our "Translator Database" visit our Translation & Interpretation Funding page. 


Translation & Interpretation Funding

If your organization is in need of volunteers for one-time or ongoing programming please complete the Partner Support Services form below to be added to our Volunteer Database. This form is checked regularly and requests will be updated weekly for students. 

Partner Support Services Form

Adelanto Water Justice Coalition

Partner Contact | adelantowaterjustice@gmail.com
Keywords: SMAC, The People's Pitzer

Claremont After School Programs (CLASP)

Partner Contact | Cristina Antoniolli
Keywords: Educational Access

Claremont Supported Agriculture (Claremont Market Shares)

Instagram | @claremontsupportedagriculture


Partner Contact | Kelly Heimdahl and Borbala Goda
Keywords: Educational Access, SMAC

Children Youth and Family Collaborative (CYFC)

Partner Contact | Lydia Cincore Templeton, LaTasha Dennis, and Dyala Alameddine
Keywords: Educational Access

El Sol Neighborhood Education Center

Partner Contact | Vilma Lopez and Leonor Garcia
Keywords: Educational Access, Research, The People's Pitzer

Fore the People (FTP)

Partner Contact | Tricia Morgan
Keywords: The People's Pitzer, Research

Gente Organizada

Partner Contact | Jesus Sanchez
Keywords: Educational Access, Research, The People's Pitzer

Homework Club

Partner Contact | Jocelyn Rangel and/or pomonalibraryhomeworkclub@gmail.com
Keywords: Educational Access

Huerta del Valle (HDV)

Partner Contact | TBA
Keywords: Educational Access, The People's Pitzer, Research

Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice

Partner Contact | Eddie Torres
Keywords: The People's Pitzer, Research

IEIYC (Inland Empire Immigrant Youth Collective)

Partner Contact | Angel Fajardo
Keywords: The People's Pitzer, Educational Access, Research, SMAC

Immigrant Rising

Partner Contact | Estefania Hermosillo
Keywords: The People's Pitzer, Educational Access, SMAC


Pitzer Staff Contact | Jenessa Flores Parker, Jumpstart Site Manager
Location | Atherton Residential Hall 415-417, Pitzer College
Keywords: Jumpstart, Educational Access

Just San Bernardino

Partner Contact | Michael Segura
Keywords: Research, SMAC

Latino/a Roundtable

Partner Contact | Lina Mira
Keywords: Research, SMAC

National Lawyers Guild of Los Angeles

Partner Contact | Rebecca Brown
Keywords: The People's Pitzer, Research

Pilgrim Place

Partner Contact | Natalie Shiras
Keywords: Research

Pomona Economic Opportunity Center (PEOC)

Partner Contact | Karen Kandamby
Keywords: Encuentros

Pomona Unified School District

Partner Contact | Patty Azevedo
Keywords: Educational Access

Prison Library Project

Partner Contact | Ivan Mendez
Keywords: The People's Pitzer, SMAC

Project LETS

Partner Contact | Stefanie Lyn Kaufman-Mthimkhulu
Keywords: The People's Pitzer, Research

Promise Scholars

Partner Contact | Raelyne Monroe
Keywords: Educational Access

Prototypes Women's Center Pomona 

Partner Contact | Mechelle Monroe
Keywords: Educational Access

Think Together

Partner Contact | 
Keywords: Educational Access

Tutors for a Cause (TFAC)

Club Contact | pitzertutors@gmail.com
Keywords: Educational Access

Uncommon Good

Partner Contact | Bobbie Jo Holguin
Keywords: Educational Access

Warehouse Worker Resource Center

Partner Contact | Eddie Gonzalez
Keywords: The People's Pitzer

National Affiliations & Partnerships

ALL IN Challenge

The ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge empowers colleges and universities to achieve excellence in nonpartisan student democratic engagement.

The ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge envisions a more engaged and inclusive democracy. Through institutional engagement, direct student engagement, and fostering a national higher education network, ALL IN strives for an electorate that mirrors our country’s makeup and in which college students are democratically engaged on an ongoing basis, during and between elections, and not just at the polls. We believe that a strong, vibrant, and more representative American democracy will result from the greater inclusion of informed college student voters.

Campus Compact

Campus Compact is a national nonprofit organization. We are the largest and oldest higher education association dedicated to higher education civic and community engagement. Our members make up a force of thousands of presidents, faculty, researchers, students, and civic and community engagement experts at colleges and universities.

Campus Compact takes a comprehensive approach to supporting member institutions—helping them build the knowledge, skills, and capacity needed to enable a just, equitable, and sustainable future.

California Campus Compact

Since its founding in 1988, California Campus Compact has worked to build the collective commitment and capacity of colleges, universities and communities throughout California to advance civic and community engagement for a healthy, just and democratic society. Through innovative programs and initiatives, grant funding, training and technical assistance, professional development and powerful research studies and publications, California Campus Compact each year invests in and champions more than 500,000 students, faculty members, administrators and community members involved in diverse and ground-breaking activities that support and expand civic and community engagement throughout California.



Project Pericles

Project Pericles encourages and facilitates commitments by colleges and universities to include education for social responsibility and participatory citizenship as an essential part of their educational programs, in and out of the classroom. This learning experience is intended to provide students with a foundation for social and civic involvement and a conviction that democratic institutions and processes offer each person the best opportunity to improve the condition of society.

“Our Government does not copy our neighbors. But it is an example to them. It is true that we are called a democracy. For the administration is in the hands of the many and not of the few. But while there exists equal justice to all and alike in their private disputes, the claim of excellence is also recognized. And when a citizen is in any way distinguished, he is preferred to the public service, not as a matter of privilege, but as the reward of merit. Neither is poverty an obstacle. But a man may benefit his country whatever the obscurity of his condition…”
Funeral Oration (per Thucydides)

Education and Citizenship

The Legacy of Pericles Is Challenged: The forces of social, economic, and technological change have been draining the vitality of Pericles’ legacy. It is well recognized that, during the latest decades, active personal engagement in social issues and civic concerns among Americans has declined. Concurrently, a growing cynicism questions the efficacy of our political institutions and the utility of their processes. These trends in popular attitude have weakened our social fabric. Their implications challenge our future as a democratic society.

Higher Education and the Legacy of Pericles: Historically, higher education in the United States has been closely connected to the legacy of Pericles. Its mission has embraced the preparation in an expanding pluralistic society in which citizenship, social responsibility, and community are inseparable.

Pitzer College and Project Pericles: The goals of Project Pericles are not instantiated in a single project or program here at Pitzer College, but rather dovetail with the core educational philosophies of the College as a whole. The primary vehicles for realizing the goals of social responsibility and civic engagement in local communities are the Community Engagement Center (CEC) and the Pitzer Program in Ontario, each of which oversees an array of programs and projects that promote the goals of Project Pericles on and off campus. Through the support of Project Pericles, Pitzer College has extended its commitment to these goals through a number of interrelated initiatives.

Social Responsibility Committee of the Pitzer Board of Trustees: Social responsibility is one of the six educational objectives of Pitzer College. By undertaking social responsibility and by examining the ethical implications of knowledge, students learn to evaluate the effects of actions and social policies and to take responsibility for making the world we live in a better place. As a direct result of our membership in Project Pericles, the Pitzer Board of Trustees formed a social responsibility committee to oversee these critical learning goals for Pitzer’s students. As part of its charge, the trustee social responsibility oversees the efforts of the Community Engagement Center and the Program in Ontario in realizing these goals.

Social Responsibility Assessment Project: Through a generous grant from Project Pericles, Pitzer College undertook a comprehensive assessment of its implementation of the social responsibility objective as represented in both academic and non-curricular programs. The project has three components: (i) An inventory of all the courses and programs which seek to address the educational objective for social responsibility; a thorough review of the ways in which students are satisfying this requirement. (ii) An assessment of the effectiveness of collaborative efforts for our community partners; a determination of the extent to which our partnership has had a positive influence on their programs. (iii) The collection of information about faculty and students’ experiences with courses and community-based learning and service projects that meet the social responsibility educational objective in order to document opinions as well as to assess impacts on attitudes and behavior.

Civic Engagement Courses: Through its emphasis on socially responsible and community-based education, Pitzer College has retained its commitment to academic service learning and its strong roots in the ethos as well as the actions of our faculty and students. Through a challenge grant from Project Pericles, Pitzer College seeks to expand its offerings in Civic Engagement Courses. While the initial courses were concentrated in the social sciences, Project Pericles support now allows us to develop new courses in the humanities and the natural sciences as well.

Current Periclean Membership

College for All Coalition
The College for All Coalition is a multiracial, statewide, and community-led coalition in California that seeks to promote social justice in public higher education, including advocating for reinvestment in public higher education to promote increased access, affordability, diversity, and equity. Founded in 2015, the Coalition now includes over 60 diverse organizations representing community, education, student, parent, labor, faith, and civil rights groups.

IE Rise
IE RISE is led by a broad and diverse group of leaders in the Inland Empire region of Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, united in the commitment to an inclusive, sustainable, and equitable future for the region. The leadership group draws heavily from the cross-regional and cross-sector collaboration of Census 2020 outreach, IE COVID Response, as well as other collective efforts in the region. Sky Allen serves as the coordinator for IE RISE, and can be contacted at sky@ierise.org

Poor People’s Campaign
In 1968, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and many others called for a “revolution of values” in America. They sought to build a broad, fusion movement that could unite poor and impacted communities across the country. Their name was a direct cry from the underside of history: The Poor People’s Campaign. Today, the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival has picked up this unfinished work. From Alaska to Arkansas, the Bronx to the border, people are coming together to confront the interlocking evils of systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, militarism and the war economy, and the distorted moral narrative of religious nationalism. We understand that as a nation we are at a critical juncture—that we need a movement that will shift the moral narrative, impact policies and elections at every level of government, and build lasting power for poor and impacted people. 

Public Citizen
Public Citizen is a nonprofit consumer advocacy organization that champions the public interest in the halls of power. We defend democracy, resist corporate power, and work to ensure that government works for the people—not for big corporations. Founded in 1971, we now have 500,000 members and supporters throughout the country.

NAACP Pomona Valley
The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination.  

Civics Center
The Civics Center is dedicated to building the foundations of youth civic engagement and voter participation in high schools through education, organizing, and advocacy. We support student-led, peer-to-peer voter registration and pre-registration efforts in high school communities.

CLEAR, Compañeras, Lideres, Emprendedoras, Aliadas, y Revolucionarias
CLEAR, Compañeras, Lideres, Emprendedoras, Aliadas, y Revolucionarias, is a group of women workers who are partners, leaders, entrepreneurs, allies, and revolutionaries in their communities and skilled in various jobs. This collective grants women from the city of Pomona and the surrounding regions access to greater job options and economic self-reliance while also providing opportunities for their professional and leadership development. The program includes job development trainings, health and safety workshops, and a multitude of other resources meant to empower the women workers.

Sunrise Movement
A youth movement to stop climate change and create millions of good-paying jobs in the process. They unite to make climate change an urgent priority across America, end the corrupting influence of fossil fuel executives on our politics, and elect leaders who stand up for the health and wellbeing of all people. Their organizing strategy involves talking to and mobilizing local communities to fight for policy change. 

Community Program Support

Jessica Chairez
  • Assistant Director of Community Engagement